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The Shining (1980) Review

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I just watched the apparent "scariest movie of all time". What a coincidence it is that my favorite director, Stanley Kubrick directed it. The Shining is the scariest movie for a 2-year old, not 18-year-olds. If a 9-year-old was scared for 1 minute, 18-year olds should not be scared for the whole movie.

The story follows a little boy named Danny, his father Jack, and his mother Wendy. Danny (REDRUM) has abilities to see ghosts, the past, and future. Jack turns into a psychopath because of a ghost who killed his 2 daughters and wife. Wendy is scared by every little thing that turns her family crazy. I'll make a passage on my blog soon about why Wendy is scared by almost everything that turns her family crazy.

I liked the good horror in the film. The blood-gushing elevators, the twins, Hallorann's murder, here's johnny, bash your brains in, etc. Danny Lloyd's acting is phenomenal and so is Jack Nicholson's acting. I have to agree with Stephen King, Wendy is pretty much there just to be scared and to look stupid.

I hated the bad horror. The ghost ball didn't scare me. Also, the skeleton ball didn't either. The man dressed as a bear with a ghost made me laugh my lungs out. The maze chase scene showed Danny is clever but didn't scare me until Jack was shown frozen in the morning. Imagine having your cup o' joe next to a frozen Jack.

"Hey, Jack. How are you doing this morning?" You say.

"Nyahhhhhhhh," Jack says.

Anyway, that's my review of' The Shining. The Shining that isn't that dumb Stephen King mini-series. I give it an A minus. My blog is theblumichaelsblog.blogspot.com. See you for a triple review later. Goodbye!


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