Home » » La La Land (2016) Review

La La Land (2016) Review

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This movie is the BEST movie of 2016. I watched this late when it was well out of theaters and a modernly old DVD (9/8/17). I just heard it was perfect from IMDB, Metacritic, Rotten Tomatoes, Roger Ebert, and LightsCameraJackson. On Youtube, I heard it from Cinecreep, Flicks and Movies and coolduder.

So this movie is a musical drama about characters Mia and Sebastian who are drawn together by what they love, but they end up dealing with situations and their dreams they worked so hard on threaten to rip them apart.

I like how this movie is Dirty Dancing and Footloose mixed with West Side Story and Viva Las Vegas. Which means the 80s mixed with the 60s. It just feels like that musical that climbs to the top of the ladder of musicals. Four words to describe La La Land BEST. DANCE. MOVIE. EVER

Overall, La La Land gets an A-


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