The movie tells the story of Desmond Dawes, a man who never touched a gun during World War 2. He never died during the war. He rescued 84 people during world war 2. 83 Americans and 1 Japanese person.
There are lots of things parents should worry about before letting their kids seeing it. The language is throughout no f-bombs though. Some inappropriate scenes. 3 are in there. A married couple kiss 2 times. A man is forced to go outside naked. Very violent war scenes. A foot falls off. Desmond suffers a gun wound. Many characters die. Desmond kicks an explosive and it explodes Japanese people. Desmond kicks and explosive and it explodes, nearly killing Desmond. The Japanese people stab themselves. Blood drops from a mountain.
Now for the real review. There is one scene that was slow motion. The first half of the slow motion was good, but then the other half was boring and made me angry. That takes off A+ and A. Also the scene where the guy threw up on the ground, I was drinking milk. It disgusted me so much it took A- and B+ of the rating. The rest of the movie was epic and surprised me. The end shows educational value about Desmond. It shows Desmond talking about the war in 2003, Desmond's leader and Desmond's relative.
Overall, this movie is epic. It gets a B.
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